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Bootcamp Formats

What are you looking for in your training?

Monday & Wednesday Bootcamps:


Mon - Wed : 6pm - 7pm Basic Training

(Upper Body Mondays, Lower Body Wednesdays w/Cardio

Intervals, Plyo and an AbsBlast)


@ Fanuel Park, Kate Sessions Park or Crown Point Park,

**Members notified weekly via GROUPME alerts.



Basic Training & Basecamp

Tee's BootCamps are designed to provide functional-based training with intervals of resistance and cardiovascular drills.  Appeals to all fitness levels from beginners to athletic members and modifications are always available.  Exercise programs are fun and creative and will satisfactorily and safely fatique any fitness enthusiast!

Weekend Sessions


CardioCamp Sessions are designed to improve Cardiovascular health.  With hi-intensity cardio intervals and fun, outdoor obstacle use, members are challenged to perform stair workouts, hills, sand runs, sprints, jumprope and finish with an AbsBlast to emphasize core strength and stabilization.

Times vary for Groups...Held at  Kate Sessions & Fanuel Park, members notified weekly via email alerts.

Strength & Sculpt

Strength & Sculpt Sessions are resistance based with free weights and bands and focus on full body strength training and muscle sculpting. 


​Occasional Friday Night Camps:


CoreCamp focuses on core-strengthening exercises, body-weight drills, partner drills, mat work and improves stabilization, balance and body awareness.  Fantastic way to improve posture, back health and increase results in all other session types.  Fundamental to athletic training and event training.

Stretch Sessions

Individual and partner stretching to keep those training muscles healthy and ready for all other sessions.  Crucial to maintaining functionality and safety in all BootCamps.

***Field Trips***


Tee's BootCamp will occasionally take a 'field trip' to Mission Beach or West Mission Bay for a SandRun or BeachBody Workout, a hike to Torrey Pines and/or a kick-it-in-gear workout at the San Diego Convention Center for a savage Stair Workout!!!

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